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Pop piano for fun
Introduction to the course and few tips (5:45)
Piano basics: what you need to know
Section introduction (1:03)
High and low sounds (2:03)
How to find notes: C, D and E (7:31)
How to find notes: F, G, A and B (6:40)
Seven notes (2:29)
Finger numbers (2:09)
Hand positioning (3:40)
Building chords and playing along
Section introduction (0:42)
Building chords and playing along (5:51)
Adding bass to your chords (5:08)
Your first song: You are my Sunshine (8:10)
Your second song: Over the Rainbow (3:45)
Hearing chords: Three Little Birds (11:47)
Assignment: Blowin' in the Wind (5:10)
Rhythm, time and beats
Section introduction (1:06)
Time and beats (5:16)
A useful tool: the metronome (2:35)
Time, beats and measures/bars
Pop ballad 1 - The One, Kodaline (9:04)
Play along: Pop ballad 1 (2:54)
Pop ballad 2 - pulse rhythm - The One (8:54)
Play along: Pop ballad 2 (2:56)
Practice tip: boost your chord changes (3:08)
Offbeat rhythm: The Tide is High (10:22)
Assignment: The Tide is High (12:00)
Chord inversions
Section introduction (0:52)
Chord notes: root, third, fifth (4:08)
First inversion chords (10:36)
Second inversion chords (9:19)
Test your knowledge
Connecting chords 1
Section introduction (0:46)
Connecting C major to F major (5:49)
Chord change boosting: C to F (5:38)
Connecting C major to G major (5:54)
Chord change boosting: C to G (5:27)
Apply connecting chords: You Are my Sunshine (4:19)
Connecting chords 2
Section introduction (2:14)
Connecting C major to F major - part 2 (5:10)
Chord change boosting exercise: C to F part 2 (5:30)
Connecting C major to G major - part 2 (6:18)
Chord change boosting exercise: C to G part 2 (6:00)
Apply connecting chords 2: Thinking Out Loud (5:19)
Connecting chords 3
Connecting C major to F major - part 3 (0:53)
Chord change boosting exercise: C to F part 3 (6:19)
Connecting C major to G major - part 3 (5:32)
Chord change boosting exercise: C to G part 3 (13:15)
Apply connecting chords 3: One Love (5:52)
The sustain pedal
Section introduction (5:43)
Pedal one chord - free time (11:37)
Pedal one chord - In time (10:31)
Pedal a chord change - free time (10:09)
Pedal a chord change - in time (4:58)
Pedal a pulse rhythm - pop ballad beat (6:40)
Pedal a broken chord pattern (7:05)
Three chord songs: more tricks in your bag
Section Introduction (0:53)
Enhance your left hand: octaves (4:27)
Staccato rhythm: 500 Miles (8:39)
Medium um-pah rhythm: King of the Road (8:10)
Left hand pulse rhythm: U2 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (7:47)
The black keys: tones and half tones
Section introduction (0:51)
The black keys - sharps and flats (3:21)
Whole tones and half tones: the measuring tape of the piano (4:38)
Test your knowledge: Whole tones and Half tones
Minor vs Major
Section introduction (0:26)
From major to minor chords: C minor, F minor, G minor (7:45)
Discover a new chord: A minor (4:11)
Use the A minor chord: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz (6:50)
Play along: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz (1:24)
Two more minor chords: D minor and E minor (4:25)
From minor to major chords. D major, E major, A major (5:59)
Reality check: find chords on the internet for Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers (6:24)
Wrapping up all triads - chords made of three notes
Section introduction: let's recap (2:54)
Inversions of A minor, D minor and E minor (5:42)
Inversions of C minor, F minor and G minor AND A major D major and E major (8:37)
Connecting chords: core concepts (5:49)
The diminished chord (11:18)
The augmented chord (7:27)
Test: check your knowledge of chords
Chords built on black keys
Section introduction (0:54)
Thoughts about chord symbols: what they are and what they do. (5:45)
Build chords on black key roots (7:00)
Slash, sus (suspended) and "add" chords
Section introduction (0:31)
Slash chords part 1: 3rd or 5th in the left hand. Hallelujah by L. Cohen (7:09)
Slash chords 2: moving bass. Feeling Good (5:22)
Slash chords 3: pedal point bass. Queen, Timberlake, Brian Adams (7:02)
Sus2 and sus4 chords (10:43)
add2 and add6 chords (7:51)
Extending chords: the seventh
Section introduction (0:36)
major and minor seventh (5:20)
Quiz: major and minor sevenths
The major seventh chord (6:00)
The seventh chord (4:04)
The minor major seventh chord (4:19)
The minor seventh chord (4:52)
The minor 7 (b5) chord (3:24)
Simple inversion of chords with a 7th (5:02)
Connecting chords: I will Survive - Gloria Gaynor (16:05)
Reality check: play chords from sheet music - Auld Lang Syne. (9:31)
Test: all chords
You've made it! (1:56)
Slash chords part 1: 3rd or 5th in the left hand. Hallelujah by L. Cohen
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